Our Multi Disciplinary Team
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As a provider of complex and specialist services, we continue to invest in specialist support teams such as our Positive Behaviour Management Team. One of the clear benefits of the team is its ability to help develop our support team’s knowledge and skills, which ultimately reduces placement breakdowns.
Our Positive Behaviour Management Team comprises of social care and health professionals with decades of relevant experience in supporting people who have behaviours that may present challenges in social care settings. Our team are all trained in Positive Behaviour Support and Positive Behaviour Management and use this approach when supporting individuals and our staff.
Care Quality Assurance and Safeguarding Lead
Our Care Quality Assurance and Safeguarding Lead determines and establishes procedures and standards in both care package quality and safeguarding adults. One of the main roles is to monitor and review the services and packages offered ensuring that they are cost-effective whilst maintaining a high-quality specialised support
Support Staff
Our Support Staff work with our individuals daily, helping them meet their personal targets and assisting them with their daily support needs. They coordinate person-centred plans & health action plans and aim to ensure client care encompasses “the five accomplishments” (community presence, choice, competence, community participation and respect).
Registered Manager
Our Registered Manager allocates resources and monitors performance to deliver high-quality care to our clients. They manage all aspects of the staff team and provide sound leadership to ensure staff are clear about their respective duties and responsibilities and have the support they need to carry out their roles safely.
What does our MDT do?
As a provider of very complex and specialist services, we continue to invest in specialist support teams such as our Positive Behaviour Management Team. One of the clear benefits of the team is its ability to help develop our support team’s knowledge and skills, which ultimately reduces placement breakdowns. Our Positive Behaviour Management Team comprises of social care and health professionals with decades of relevant experience in supporting people who have behaviours that may present challenges in social care settings. Our team are all trained in Positive Behaviour Support and Positive Behaviour Management and use this approach when supporting individuals and our staff.
They provide functional assessments and recommend appropriate intervention strategies designed to reduce challenging behaviours whilst improving an individual’s quality of life. Our team provides advice, mentoring, and staff training in Positive Behaviour Support; Positive Behaviour Management; Autistic Spectrum Conditions; Self- Injurious Behaviours; Communication strategies; Intensive Interaction and Motivation Assessment Scales. In addition to this, our team supports initial assessments of complex new referrals to Johav Care Support, working alongside service managers and key workers to develop person-centred transitions and on-going support plans that are aimed at helping individuals to achieve the outcomes that are most important to them.
Our team has played a key role in supporting some very complex individuals in achieving positive outcomes and moving from residential support to more independent supported living settings. All of this is underpinned by Johav Care Support's commitment to Person-Centred Thinking and Planning to ensure that the culture of our service provision is the best it can be.
Positive Behaviour Support
Our Positive Behaviour Support Trainer helps staff to understand the causes of Challenging Behaviours, what they are, and how they work. Through this understanding, they are able to develop Positive Behaviour Support Plans involving various primary and secondary preventative strategies.
Management Trainer
Positive Behaviour Management is a non-aversive tried and tested BILD accredited training programme. Our trainers provide both on-going support to staff.
Clinical Psychologist
Our Specialised Clinical Psychologists work in partnership with our clients, their family, and our MDT, in order to assess and support their individual conditions, with the aim to reduce distress and improve their psychological well being.
Speech and Language Therapist
Our Speech and Language Therapist assesses the speech and language abilities and development of each individual, whilst developing and implementing individual treatment programmes to actively encourage independence and communication
Occupational Therapist
Our Occupational Therapists help our individuals to independently carry out everyday tasks or occupations by creating individual treatment programs and introducing the use of specialist equipment if required